oh Leigha you're sooooooooo cute..bawaaaaaaaaaaah! You really do know how to cheer up a gal!-- i can just see you running around the house with your glitter heels and your big smile!! -- calmly doing all your Mrs. Clever duties!! -- you ROCK girl!
Yes i may of had a "losing it moment" and only Leigha could really understand why i was "losing it" but it didn't last long and i got over it real fast! --no outer body experience was had so i resumed to my daily routine pretty quickly!! tehee.. : )
I'm enjoying the summer activities so much i've hardly stamped this summer!! --hey there is nothing wrong with playing "potato" (cute way alyssa says playdough) outside with the little ones while the sun is shinning and the other kids are playing in the pool!!
Until last weekend i hadn't even touched a stamp since the end of June!! --I KNOW HORRIBLE!!-- was having serious "mommy me time" withdrawals ---but seriously how could i resist my cutie patootie when she looks at me with her totally cool "morning time" glasses on and says let's go play mom...

--for those of you who know my daughter you know it's hard to resist her cuteness and OF COURSE i'll hang out with her any chance i get!! : )
Leigha brought over some GREAT projects for us to create last Saturday!! Thank you Leigha for getting me back into "STAMP" mode!! All of us girls had such a great time stamping, chatting and mostly laughing-- ohhhh we laughed soooooo much and so hard!! I've been having super fun with the kids the last few weeks but come on.......hanging out with the girls and stamping was a notch above for sure!!
-- Leigha...what do you think of my berries? be honest.....don't hold back....!!
(hopefully she will post her card as it's so much prettier then mine....me can't watercolour...boohoo...my berries exploded and my bird well there are no words that can discribe that poor little bird!!....i guess i'll have to keep practicing..
ooooooooooooohhhh always fun times ..we never hold anything back when we get together.. bwaaaaaaaaaaha : )
So after a fun weekend with the girls i was super motivated to get things rolling for the fall. I have new clubs starting in September and with the new catty in full swing i'm having a blast creating fresh new projects with all the new colours, new ribbons, new accessories, new stamps, well all the products Stampin Up has to offer!! Louise and i got together Friday and Saturday this past week so i had double the crafting time!! woohooooooo!! We created a bunch of fresh new projects and now i have to decide what projects i'm going to use for my stamp club get togethers starting in September. So until i can decide what cards are going to be for club and what cards i can show you now, you'll just have to wait a little bit longer to see what i've been up to!! aaawwww so mean i know!! ... but don't worry i won't let you down-- i have plenty of oldie but goodies to show you in the mean time. I've been going through all my photos and wow there are so many cards i just haven't had the chance to show you yet. Some of my favorites will be revealed this month!! Here is just one of the many favorites of 2010/2011:

I created this card awhile back and i'm pretty certain i cased it from Seeing Ink Spots blog. (thank you for the inspiration)!!
Quick Tip: Pull a thread or two from the middle of your ribbon to help bunch it up!

Products used for this project:
Stamp Sets: En Francais Background (109521), Elizabeth (117120); You're a Gem (W122268, C122270)
Card Stock: Whisper White (100730), Basic Black (121045), Crumb Cake (120953)
Ink: Basic Black (101179), Sahara Sand (105208)
Accessories and More: Basic Black Striped Grosgrain (115615), Hemp Twine (100982), Scallop Circle Punch (119854), 2-3/8" Scallop Circle Punch (118874), Boho Blossom Punch (119858), Scallop Oval (119856), Large Oval (119855), Antique Brads (117273), Cutter Kit (106958-distresser), Snail Adhesive (104332), Sticky Strip (104294), Stampin Dimensionals (104430)
Hope you like... : )

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